Wednesday, August 27, 2008
About 75 Million Years after Death Fossilized Pregnant Turtle Discovered

Scientists from the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in
Researcher Darla Zelenitsky, a geoscientist at the
Fertile find
It was nearly by accident that scientists recognized that the fossil turtle had been pregnant. "The real reason we knew she was pregnant was since when the fossil was found the body was broken down," Zelenitsky told LiveScience, "therefore there was egg shell on the ground immediately below the fossil, it was falling out of the body".
The team spotted at least five crushed eggs inside the body of the fossilized female, and computed tomography (CT) scans discovered more eggs concealed beneath the turtle's shell. The turtle, expected to be about 16 inches (40 cm) long, could have produced about 20 eggs. When still intact, the eggs would have been sphere-shaped and about 1.5 inches (4 cm) in diameter. The eggs from the close by nest were about the same size and form. Both sets of eggs as well had very thick and hard shells, particularly relative to most modern turtles whose shells are moreover thinner or soft.
The thick eggshell can have evolved to look after the eggs from drying out or from greedy predators that lived during the Age of Dinosaurs. The pregnant turtle and nest specimens, the researchers say, shed light on the growth of reproductive traits of current turtles. François Therrien, the Museum's Curator of Dinosaur Palaeoecology, who worked on the turtle report in the journal said that "Based on these fossils, we have firm that the ancestor of living hidden-necked turtles, which are nearly all of today's turtles and tortoises, laid a big number of eggs and had hard, rigid shells".
Source: foxnews.com
Monday, August 25, 2008
Jesus, Dinosaurs, and the Dangers of Religious Dogma

In accordance with at least one Evangelist pastor, Vince Fenech, of the wholly licensed, State-approved Creationist institution, trusts and teaches children from ages 4 to18, that dinosaurs helped build the pyramids. Citing a so far undiscovered Biblical reference in the Book of Job, Fenech violently injures credulity and incredulously asserts to reporter Raphael Vassallo, of the MaltaToday newspaper, that the world was “created in 4004 BC”, and the ancient Egyptians harnessed the power of Jurassic-period dinosaurs to put up the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Pastor Vince Fenech is of course, a Creationist and eager espouser of a bevy of ideas that not only contests his good sense, but as well baselessly suspends science in the name of God; mainly that the Apollo 11 moon landing confirms “the universe is still young!”
Source: opednews.com
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Dinosaurs Possibly Older than First Thought

Consistent with a Tuesday report in the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, a local paper in the area, archaeologists working in the quarry set up traces of a dinosaur that they believe are 250 million years old -- older than some known proof of dinosaurs. Thus far, officials from the state's Office for Preservation of Monuments and Archaeology have refused to confirm the find. A spokeswoman there has simply pointed out that the quarry is still in operation and that hobby diggers ought to stay away. The scientific group of people, though, is electrified. Should the age of the traces be confirmed, the find could shed light on the very starting of dinosaurs. One professional told the paper that the find is of "sensational value to science".
Until at present, scientists assumed that dinosaurs first evolved from archosaurs about 235 million years ago -- a good 15 million years after the creation of the dinosaur traces currently discovered. Archosaurs were lizard-like creatures that were greatly smaller than nearly all dinosaurs. Present-day alligators, crocodiles and some species of birds are as well descendents of archosaurs. Dinosaurs, although, died out some 65 million years ago. Scientists have been able to use bones, footprints, fossils, and other traces to restructure the so-called Mesozoic age, the time when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. It is an era divided into three periods, the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous -- with the present find maybe pushing back the earliest years of the Triassic.
Digs in
Source: spiegel.de
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Dinosaurs will roam again on Earth in front of you

"Walking with Dinosaurs," explain of smoke, sounds, light and striking music with a 42-foot-long T. rex and nine added mobile dinosaurs, will make its SoCal debut with 10 shows at the Honda Center starting Wednesday. A seven-show run is scheduled to run at Staples Center from Sept. 25-27.
The Times' Mike Boehm offers us a sneak peek in today's Calendar part: At the controls are a driver at the bottom of all creature, and two-member teams of high-tech puppeteers stationed in a booth high on top of the floor. Five smaller carnivores that round out the cast are populated by realistically dinosaur-suited actors, who have no aim of being confused with Barney.
For natural olden time’s museums, it may be somewhat discomfiting to have traditional displays of fossilized remains potentially upstaged by wholly fleshed-out facsimiles that make a lot more than just stand there. The William Brown, president of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia said that "I'm confident some rational-thinking scientists think it's a bad thing”. But he is happy to make out an "edutainment" sight like "Walking With Dinosaurs" pack families into sports arenas for staged lessons in evolutionary biology. Perhaps the Rolling Stones can at present quake off their own dinosaur label when it comes to their incessant arena touring.
Source: latimesblogs.latimes.com
Monday, August 11, 2008
At Dubai’s biggest mall dinosaurs and more

The City of Arabia, which will someday be the “Heart of Dubailand”, is still in its infancy, with the uppermost structures standing just three storeys tall. But Alex Vacha, the deputy director for projects, says it is on way and the first apartments will be handed over at the end of next year. The 20-million-square-metre development, which will charge US$5 billion, will be done in two phases.
The park, with its lifelike group of animatronic dinosaurs, plans to transport visitors to the Jurassic era and will mark amusement rides, Earth-science museum and planetarium. The growth still appears like a sand pit still the infrastructure has been laid down and the wadi bridges are complete. The next huge phase for the development will be a new interchange across Emirates Road that will connect the Mall of Arabia and the rest of the development with a new road that will run straightly from Sheikh Zayed Road. The first phase of the mall starts in 2010.
Source: thenational.ae
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
To Beat T. Rex the Duck-Billed Dinosaurs Grew Fast

Cooper and her colleagues compared growth rate data from H. stebingeri with three predators, all of which lived in the Late Cretaceous time from about 100 million to 65 million years ago: the tyrannosaurs Albertosaurus and its huge relative T. rex, with the small Troodon formosus, which reached just 6 feet (1.8 meters) in length and sported a quite huge brain. For the hadrosaur, Cooper and her colleagues examined thin sections of long leg bones and counted and measured the growth rings, which all specify a year of life. When it died this individual dino was about 13 years old.
Drew Lee, a postdoctoral fellow in Ohio University's College of Osteopathic Medicine who worked with Cooper on the finding said that ”The duck-billed dinosaur grew three to five times faster than any potential predators that lived next to it and by the time the duck-billed dinosaur was fully grown, the tyrannosaurs were just half grown -- it was a huge size difference”. Researchers said that the Hypacrosaurus moreover reached sexual maturity early, at only two or three years of age.
Source: foxnews.com
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Dinosaur fun planned for families
On Saturday, Aug. 16, at
Jason Poole, a scientific artist who works for the
Glenda, Poole's mother, the owner of the Village Sweet Shoppe at
Glenda Poole said that "We aim to have amazing each month, together with lots of children's activities". "I've been surprised at the number of adults who are excited that we'll be doing this. We're eager for a big turnout." Musical entertainment will as well be available during the afternoon, with the Happy Dutchmen German Band slated to execute Guests are invited to take lawn chairs. For more detail on this event, visit www.stoudtburgvillage.com.