
Qiupalong is a genus of ornithomimid dinosaur which had been found existed in the late Cretaceous period. The fossil remains of the dinosaur were first discovered in China, Henan Province-Qiupa Formation. This omnivore species comes under the classification of Chordata, Reptilia, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Theropoda, Ornithomimidae.

Qiupalong Dinosaur

The species was first named by Li Xu, Yoshitsugu Kobayashi, Junchang Lü, Yuong-Nam Lee, Yongqing Liu, Kohei Tanaka, Xingliao Zhang, Songhai Jia and Jiming Zhang - 2011. Only Partial skeleton of the species has been discovered till date and certain characteristics are observed from the fossil discoveries. The major highlighted feature is that the dinosaur shares some primitive characteristics in the foot bones with other basal ornithomimids. Qiupalong’s structure, length and weight still remain unpredicted due to the incomplete remains.

qiupalong qiupalong
Qiupalong facts:

Qiupalong Dinosaurs(Qiupa dragon - after the Qiupa Formation).

Named By:

Li Xu, Yoshitsugu Kobayashi, Junchang Lü, Yuong-Nam Lee, Yongqing Liu, Kohei Tanaka, Xingliao Zhang, Songhai Jia and Jiming Zhang - 2011.

Fossil representation:

partial skeleton.