Xenotarsosaurus Dinosaur

Xenotarsosaurus belongs to the family of abelisaurid theropod dinosaur that had been found existed during the Cenomanian to Turonian age of the Cretaceous period. The fossil remains of the species were first discovered in Argentina, Chubut Province - Bajo Barreal Formation. The generic name xenos refers "strange", tarsos, refers "tarsus", and sauros refers "lizard". This carnivore species comes under the classification of Chordata, Reptilia, Dinosauria, Saurischia, theropoda, Abelisauridae.

Xenotarsosaurus dinosaur

The species was first named and described by Ricardo Martínez, Olga Giménez, Jorge Rodríguez & Graciela Bochatey in 1986. The found fossil representation of this species includes two anterior dorsal vertebrae and a right hind limb. The identified holotype consist bone fragments of two individuals that include UNPSJB PV 184, a series of two anterior dorsal vertebrae, and PVL 612, a right hind limb.

xenotarsosaurus xenotarsosaurus

Xenotarsosaurus structure, length and weight still remain unpredicted due to its incomplete remains. The species showed similar characteristics to that of Carnotaurus sastrei and Abelisauridae. Scientists on proceeding with further researches came to the conclusion that this species solely belong to carnivore type.

Xenotarsosaurus facts:

Xenotarsosaurus (Strange tarsus lizard).



Named By:

Ricardo Martínez, Olga Giménez, Jorge Rodríguez & Graciela Bochatey - 1986.

Fossil representation:

Two anterior dorsal (back) vertebrae and a right hind limb.