
Elaphrosaurus ("lightweight lizard") from the Late Jurassic of Tanzania was about 20 ft long and weighed about 210 kilograms.

Elaphrosaurus Dinosaur

Elaphrosaurus Dinosaur was probably a Ceratosaur and its skeleton was found in the Tendaguru Beds of Tanzania, which also yields the Giraffatitan, Allosaurus, and Kentrosaurus. A related animal, perhaps the same species, was found in the Morrison Formation.

Unfortunately the skull was missing and only one skeleton of Elaphrosaurus has been found. It was very much longer than its thigh bone, which shows that it could probably run very fast. The characteristic features of Elaphrosaurus were that they had no teeth and its impossible to say whether it might belong to this family. Loose teeth have been found in same sediment and that may belongs to that dinosaur family.

Elaphrosaurus was discovered by Werner Janensch in 1920 and its displayed in Natural History Museum

Elaphrosaurus facts:
Name: Elaphrosaurus "lightweight lizard"
Size: 20 ft long
Main Facts: Elaphrosaurus was very much longer than its thigh bone, which shows that it could probably run very fast.