Dinosaur Glossary


Echinoderms it means "spiny skin" are a phylum of salt-water animals whose living members have five arms or rays (or multiples of five). They are classically bottom-dwellers.

Echinodon it means "spiny tooth" was a tiny, early, bipedal, plant-eating dinosaur from the late Jurassic era, about 145 million years ago.

Ectotherms are animals whose interior temperature varies with the environment (they are cold-blooded).

Edaphosaurus was an herbivorous early synapsid that lived throughout the late Carboniferous and early Permian era, about 320 to 258 million years ago, long prior to the dinosaurs existed.

Ediacaran fauna is the animal life that lived throughout the Vendian or Ediacaran era (roughly 650 to 544 million years back).

Edmarka was a big meat-eating dinosaur that lived throughout the late Jurassic era.

Edmontonia was an Ankylosaur, a heavily unbreakable herbivore (plant-eater) that was 20 - 23 ft (6 - 7 m) long.

Efraasia was a ancient plant-eating dinosaur from the late Triassic era in what is now Germany.

Eggs some animals produce from eggs, even dinosaurs. A nutritive objects (yolk) and a defensive membrane surround animal eggs. A jelly covering protects amphibian eggs and shells protect bird eggs.

Elaphrosaurus a trivial theropod from the late Jurassic.

Elasmosaurus from head to tail, the highest plesiosaur that eternally lived.

Embryo an animal or plant in the earliest stages of growth.

Eoraptor is the ancient recognized dinosaur. It was a bipedal plant-eater from 228 million years back

Epanterias was an enormous meat-eating dinosaur from the behind Jurassic era.

Epoch a division of a geologic era; it is the smallest division of geologic time, lasting numerous million years.

Era Two or more geological periods encompass an Era, which is hundreds of millions of years in period.

Erosion it is the act of exhausting away as in rocks by the wind or water

Euparkeria Extinct reptile, with semi-improved posture (Triassic).

Evolution the gradual and incessant process by which the first and most ancient of living organisms have developed into the plants and animals of today.

Extinct it is known as extinction when an animal species dies out. Dinosaurs have turned into extinct.

Extinction it relates to the complete fading of a type of organism